Monel K500

When in the age-hardened condition, Monel K-500 has a greater tendency toward stress-corrosion cracking in some environments than Monel 400. Alloy K-500 has approximately three times the yield strength and double the tensile strength when compared with alloy 400.
Plus, it can be further strengthened by cold working prior to precipitation hardening. The strength of this nickel steel alloy is maintained to 1200° F but stays ductile and tough down to temperatures of 400° F. Its melting range is 2400-2460° F.
- Valve trim
- Sour-gas service applications
- Oil and gas production safety lifts and valves
- Oil-well tools and instruments like drill collars
- Doctor blades and scrapers
- Pump shafts and impellers in marine service
- Sensors and Electronic components
- Liquid Rocket Engine Components
- LOX Manifolds and Injectors
- Chains, cables, springs, valve trim, fasteners for marine service.

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