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Nimonic PK33

Nimonic PK33

Nimonic PK33 is a nickel-chromium-cobalt precipitation-hardenable grade, offering superior thermal shock and fatigue resistance. Thanks to molybdenum, it has an optimal combination of high temperature strength, creep-resistance and ductility. Perfect for challenging applications that require lasting performance.

Equivalent grades

• Nimonic PK33
• DTD5057
• AFNOR NC 19 KDu/v

Chemical Composition Reference


Physical Property Reference

• Density: 8.21 g/cm³

• Melting range: 1300-1345℃

• Tensile strength: 1150 MPa

• Yield strength: 750 MPa

• Elogation: 33%

Stock & Dimensions

Our warehouse has a large number of stock to provide you with a variety of products in different sizes, and can also customize the size according to your needs.
• Bar: 0.5~600mm Diameter
• Coil: 0.5~150mm Thick
• Plate: 0.5~200mm Thick
• Pipe: 6~630mm External Diameter; 0.5~40mm Wall Tick
• Available in specific sizes

Product Forms

We provide you with a variety of product forms, including but not limited to:
• Bar/Rod
• Pipe/Tube
• Coil/Strip
• Plate/Sheet/Circle
• Wire
• Fitting (Flange, Elbow, Tee...)
• Customize

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Nimonic PK33

Essential details
Nimonic PK33 is an alloy that combines nickel and chromium with cobalt and molybdenum for superior heat resistance and creep resistance. It is often used in gas turbines as flame tubes because of its high temperature strength, as well as its ability to be welded into sheet structures. Its features make it ideal for replacing NIMONIC alloys 80A and 90.


- Gas turbine welded structures

- Gas turbine hot sections

- Flame tubes

- Enclosures for industrial furnace hot sections

- Combustion chambers

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